H2O and Go

As a proud Australian company and with so many of us living on the coastline, we completely understand and celebrate our fascination with water.

On holiday, it makes sense that we love to relax and play in and around water, whether it be swimming, snorkeling, scuba diving, surfing or more.

At Go Insurance, we have designed a Water Sports travel insurance extension catering to those holidays where you want to be in, on or under the water.

Activities like swimming, snorkeling, water skiing, scuba diving* and surfing are covered under our standard travel insurance policy. So, if you’re dumped by a monster wave or you just can’t stay on your board, you’re covered for the cost of medical treatment if you are injured whilst doing these activities.

But what about your surfboard or scuba gear? Many standard travel insurance policies exclude claims for loss, theft or damage to this type of equipment.

Our Water Sports extension has been designed specifically for this reason.

The extension is an optional extra offering cover for loss, theft or damage to water sports equipment. We’ll also meet the cost of emergency hire if your own equipment is lost or damaged.

Sometimes the weather can get in the way of the best laid plans. If bad weather conditions mean you can’t use your pre-booked boat hire, lessons, passes or excursions, we’ll compensate you for the outlay. We’ll also pick up the tab if you can’t do your pre-booked water sports due to illness or injury.

* Scuba diving is covered subject to certain conditions. Please read the Policy Wording for full details.


Click here on the link below to review the Policy Wording for full terms and conditions applicable to our Water Sports extension.



So what’s covered under our Water Sports extension?

Water Sports Equipment

Compensation for loss, theft or breakage to your water sports equipment, or water sports equipment that has been hired or loaned to you.

Water Sports Equipment Hire

Cover for the cost of hiring water sports equipment if yours is broken, lost, damaged, misdirected or delayed whilst en route to your destination.

Water Sports Passes, Lessons and Excursions

Reimbursement of any water sports pass, excursion, hire or tuition fee necessarily unused due to:

  • cancellation
  • loss or theft of your pass/voucher or
  • cancellation of pre-booked water sports activities due to inclement weather.

Unused Boat Hire Fees

Monetary compensation for each 24 hour period that it is not possible to use a pre-booked hire boat due to injury, illness or inclement weather conditions.

Got Questions?

Give us a call on 0800 082 647 or email us at salesnz@goinsurance.co.nz