This website is owned and operated by Go Unlimited Pty Ltd T/as Go Insurance which will be referred to as "We", "our" and "us" in this Terms of Use. By using this site, you agree to the Terms of Use of this website ("the website"), which is set out on this website page. Your access to and use of all information on the website including purchase of our product/s is provided subject to the following Terms of Use.

You provide your consent and agreement to these terms of use as well as our Privacy Statement by accessing and using the website. If you do not agree with these Terms of Use or Privacy Statement you must not use this website. We reserve the right to amend this Notice at any time and your use of the website following any amendments will represent your agreement to be bound by these Terms of Use as amended. We therefore recommend that each time you access our website you read these Terms of Use.

Site Access

When you visit our website, we give you a limited licence to access and use our information for personal use. You are permitted to download a copy of the information on this website to your computer for your personal use only provided that you do not delete or change any copyright symbol, trademark or other proprietary notice. Your use of our content in any other way infringes our intellectual property rights. Except as permitted under the Copyright Act 1994, you are not permitted to copy, reproduce, republish, distribute or display any of the information on this website without our prior written permission.

The licence to access and use the information on our website does not include the right to use any data mining robots or other extraction tools. The licence also does not permit you to metatag or mirror our website without our prior written permission. We reserve the right to serve you with notice if we become aware of your metatag or mirroring of our website.

Availability of Website

Go Insurance cannot guarantee the website, or any other websites this website contains a hyperlink to, will have uninterrupted access and will be constantly available.

Access to the website is only on an "as is" basis and online access to the website may be disrupted for reasons not limited to but including site maintenance at any time.


Whilst we have taken all due care in providing the information on our website, we do not provide any warranty, either express or implied, including without limitation warranties of title or implied warranties of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose.

To the extent permitted by law, any condition or warranty which would otherwise be implied into these terms of use is excluded.

Limitation of Liability

To the full extent permitted by law, Go Insurance is not liable for any loss, damage, expense or cost (including consequential loss) incurred by you as a result of:

  • any error, omission or misrepresentation in relation to this site;
  • any use and access or inability to use or access the website;
  • any content; and
  • any statements or conduct of any user of the website, not limited to but including any information and/or advice and any defamatory statements or offensive conduct.

Go Insurance is not liable or responsible to you or any third party if interference with or damage to your computer systems occurs in connection with your use of the website. This is not limited to but including any unauthorized access to or alterations of your transmissions or data. You must take your own precautions to ensure that whatever you select for your use from the website is free of viruses or anything else that may cause interference with or damage to the operations of your computer systems; including any virus, worm, Trojan horse and/or malware.


This website may from time to time contain hyperlinks to other websites. Such links are provided for convenience only and we take no responsibility for the content and maintenance of or privacy compliance by any linked website. Any hyperlink on our website to another website does not imply our endorsement, support, or sponsorship of the operator of that website nor of the information and/or products which they provide.

Go Insurance is not responsible for any sites you may access via links provided on the website and as such is not liable to you for any loss, damage, expense or costs (including consequential loss) you incur by accessing or attempting to access these sites.

Linking our website is not permitted. We reserve the right to serve you with notice if we become aware of such linking.

Intellectual Property Rights

The copyright to all content on this website including applets, graphics, images, layouts and text belongs to us or we have a licence to use those materials.

All trademarks, brands and logos generally identified either with the symbols TM or ® which are used on this website are either owned by us or we have a licence to use them. Your access to our website does not license you to use those marks in any commercial way without our prior written permission.


By accessing our website, you agree to indemnify and hold us harmless from all claims, actions, damages, costs and expenses including legal fees arising from or in connection with your use of our website.


These Terms of Use are to be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of New Zealand and any claim made by either party against the other which in any way arises out of these Terms of Use will be heard in New Zealand and you agree to submit to the jurisdiction of those Courts.

If any provision in these Terms of Use is invalid under any law the provision will be limited, narrowed, construed or altered as necessary to render it valid but only to the extent necessary to achieve such validity. If necessary the invalid provision will be deleted from these terms of use and the remaining provisions will remain in full force and effect.


We undertake to take all due care with any information which you may provide to us when accessing our website. Information you transmit to us is entirely at your own risk although we undertake to take reasonable steps to preserve such information in a secure manner.

Our compliance with privacy legislation is set out in our separate Privacy Statement.


We strive to ensure the security, integrity and privacy of personal information submitted to our site, and we review and update our security measures in light of current technologies. Unfortunately, no data transmission over the Internet can be guaranteed to be totally secure.

However, we will endeavour to take all reasonable steps to protect the personal information you may transmit to us or from our online products and services. Once we do receive your transmission, we will also make our best efforts to ensure its security on our systems.

In addition, our employees and the contractors who provide services related to our information systems are obliged to respect the confidentiality of any personal information held by us.

Collecting Information from Users

IP Addresses – Our web servers gather your IP address to assist with the diagnosis of problems or support issues with our services. Information is gathered in aggregate only and cannot be traced to an individual user.

Cookies and Applets – We use cookies to provide you with a better experience. These cookies allow us to increase your security by storing your session ID and are a way of monitoring single user access.

This aggregate, non-personal information is collated and provided to us to assist in analysing the usage of the site.

Website Content

The Content displayed on this website is for the use by New Zealand citizens and permanent residents seeking to purchase international and domestic travel insurance.

This information is not intended to be a complete description of all terms, conditions and exclusions applicable to Go Insurance or the services offered by us.

The content displayed on this website itself does not constitute an offer or an intention to enter into a legally binding contract with you, except where you obtain a quote, answer the questions relating to the insurance and purchase an insurance policy online.

The content displayed on this website does not form any part of the terms of use of an insurance policy, the Policy Wording or any subsequent insurance contract which is entered into between us and you.

Online Applications

All applications for insurance made via the website must comply with Go Insurance's normal approval criteria and are governed by the normal terms of use applying to each insurance policy and the Policy Wording.

The insurance quoting system provided on the website is offered solely to assist you in deciding to purchase insurance from us.

You are not authorised to use high-volume, systematic or automated process to obtain quotations.

You must not compile, repackage or disseminate for commercial purposes any information obtained by your use of the insurance quoting system provided on the website.

We reserve the right to terminate your access to these services at our sole discretion for not limited to but including submitting excessive requests for these services.

Purchasing Insurance Policies

You may enter into an insurance policy by us making an electronic offer of insurance to you and you electronically communicating your acceptance of that offer.

We may treat any electronic instructions as authentic and we are under no obligation to investigate the authenticity or authority of persons issuing or transmitting such electronic transmissions, or to verify the accuracy and completeness of such electronic transmissions.

A binding insurance contract is created with us in a two-step process:

  • Create a quote for the insurance product you are interested in and have selected. We will provide you with a quote, identified by a quote number, when you have completed all necessary details. This quote will remain valid and accessible on our website for 14 days; and
  • If, in accordance with the quote provided by us following you completing all necessary details, you wish to purchase insurance step two enables you to accept that quote and create a binding insurance agreement with a corresponding Go Insurance policy number.

When entering into a contract of insurance with us via our website you will be taken to have communicated your acceptance to an offer of insurance only when:

  • The electronic instruction containing your acceptance enters and is recorded in our database;
  • A record is created and stored in our database;
  • We receive all required details of a current and valid payment card and to which we are able to charge the premium.

A binding insurance contract is conditional on us being able to successfully charge against your nominated payment card and us receiving payment of your applicable premium.

The policy will be valid for the period you have nominated as shown on the Certificate of Insurance.

Policy delivery

After we receive the required payment for your insurance policy, we will email a Certificate of Insurance and Policy Wording to you via the email address you have nominated within one business day.

You will not be mailed a hard copy of your Insurance Certificate or Policy Wording; except in the case of where you specifically request a hard copy be posted to you.

Policy renewals / extensions

Our website may offer an online facility for extension or renewal payment of certain Go Insurance policies with selected payment cards.

When making a payment for a policy renewal or extension via our website, you will be taken to have renewed / extended that policy only when:

  • The electronic instruction containing the policy number, premium amount due and payment card details as well as an instruction from you to renew / extend the policy, enters and is recorded into our database;
  • We receive all required details of a current and valid payment card which you are authorised to use, which is a payment card accepted by us and to which we are able to charge the premium;
  • A record is created and stored in our database;
  • A receipt number is generated by our database; and
  • Our database is updated with information from the payment database.

A binding insurance contract is conditional on us being able to successfully charge against your nominated payment card and payment of all applicable renewal / extension amounts due for the policy being renewed / extended being received by us.

Following receipt by us of the renewal / extension payment, we will issue you a receipt for payment and a new Certificate of Insurance, if a new policy is created.

Cooling Off period

If you decide you do not want the insurance policy you have purchased, you are entitled to a full refund of any premium paid provided you request this within 14 days of purchase, your trip has not commenced and you do not need to make any claims against the policy.

Where you seek a refund under the Cooling Off provisions of the policy, we will reimburse your payment card for the amount initially debited for the purchase of the policy.


All payments for any insurance products, renewals, policy amendments or other services purchased through our website (including additional premium or other payments which arise from policy amendments) must be paid in full by clear funds in order for the transaction to be complete and a binding insurance contract be entered into with us.

Unless otherwise agreed by us, all payments are to be made by permitted payment cards at the time of purchase, renewal, or policy amendments (as the case may be) of our applicable policy or service.

To effect a payment via our website you must provide details of your permitted current and valid payment card, including:

  • Payment card type;
  • Name on payment card;
  • Payment card number;
  • Card verification value (CVV); and
  • Expiry date

(Please note that no payment card details are collected or stored anywhere in our website or database)

Once we receive full payment (in accordance with these Website Terms of Use) for the applicable insurance policy, policy renewal or policy amendment, we will issue you a receipt for the payment and a Policy Wording for the relevant policy (or Policy Endorsement in cases of policy amendment).


Our website only transacts in New Zealand Dollars (NZD).

If you have any question or concerns regarding the Website Terms of use, please contact us.