We Value Your Privacy

The Privacy Act 1988 (Cth) regulates the manner in which organisations collect, use and disclose personal information. We are committed to handling your personal information in accordance with the Privacy Act 2020 and in accordance with other applicable privacy laws.

We collect personal information from or about you for the purpose of providing insurance services to you. Such services include but are not limited to the following:

  • Evaluating your application for insurance;
  • Evaluating any request you make to vary, extend or amend your policy;
  • Issuing and managing the insurance cover we provide to you; and
  • Investigating and managing any claims you make against your policy.

Typically, the information we collect may include your name, address, contact details, age, gender, declared medical conditions or other information which identifies you personally (personal information).

In most cases the information we collect about you is provided by you through various means (such as when you obtain a quotation for insurance or lodge a claim). By providing us with this information you are consenting to the collection, storage, use and disclosure of this information as set out in this Privacy Statement.

Occasionally, we will obtain information about you from other sources (such as our emergency medical assistance team, hospitals and medical practitioners or other insurers).

The personal information we collect can be used or disclosed for any purpose connected to these activities but only where you would reasonably expect for this to occur.

When necessary and in relation to the above noted activities, we (or our agents) may disclose your personal information to or request the same from:

  • an insurance agent who is arranging your insurance;
  • another person named as a co-insured on your policy;
  • another insurer – for the purpose of confirming your claims history, seeking recovery from them or to assist with an investigation;
  • an airline, medical practitioner, treating doctor or emergency assistance provider – to assess your fitness to travel;
  • a family member – in case of a medical emergency;
  • our Underwriters – who are located overseas;
  • a related company or agent that provides computer hosting and support services, which may be located overseas;
  • a records management company or technology service provider – for secure storage and management of our records;
  • our related entities – so that we may offer you other products and services;

In the event of a claim against your policy, Go Insurance (or our agents) may also disclose your personal information to:

  • an investigator, assessor, government authority, medical practitioners, hospitals and other professional advisers - to assist in investigating and assessing your claim;
  • a recovery agent – for the purpose of recovering our cost;
  • a lawyer – for the purpose of defending an action by a third party against you;
  • to a witness – to obtain a witness statement;
  • to another party in a claim – for obtaining a statement or recovery from them.

In some instances, we will need to send your personal information overseas (or collect your personal information from overseas). These instances may be:

  • when we are authorised or required to do so by law;
  • sending your information to our Underwriters;
  • with respect to applicable outsourced business activities and functions; or
  • certain electronic transactions when we are required to facilitate a transaction on your behalf.

Your personal information will be stored in various ways including in computer systems or databases, hard copy or paper files and in telephone recordings.

Go Insurance strives to protect the privacy and security of your personal information. We maintain industry standard technology and procedures in respect of our information management and provision of online services. Once we receive your personal information it is stored and protected by a range of security controls which include firewalls, user identification requirements and audit trails.

We have an ongoing review and enhancement program which reviews and updates such matters as policies, processes and procedures as well as technology reviews including software, virus protection and firewall settings. Our information technology systems and infrastructure are regularly audited by internal and external experts.

You must provide us with whatever information we reasonably require to assess your application for insurance, manage any policy that we issue to you and assess any claim you make. If you do not provide us with personal information we have reasonably requested we may not be able to provide you with a policy or manage and settle any claims you make against the policy.

You can request access to the personal information we hold on file about you. In some circumstances we may not agree to provide access to some or all of the information we hold when we are legally entitled to do so. In such cases we will clearly inform you of the reason for this circumstance.

Where you provide personal information about other individuals, you must make them aware that you will provide this information to us; the types of persons and entities to which the information will be available; and the purposes for which we and those to whom we disclose the information will use it. You must also make them aware that they can access the information we receive from you.

If you wish to access your personal information, have a concern regarding our privacy policy or wish to lodge a complaint regarding our privacy policy you may write to:

The Privacy Manager
Go Insurance
PO Box 5964
Brendale  Q  4500

Phone:  0800 082 647

Email:  information@goinsurance.co.nz

We will review your correspondence once received and you will be provided with a written response. If you remain dissatisfied with how we have addressed your query or complaint, you may contact the Office of the Privacy Commissioner:

PO Box 10094
Wellington 6143

Phone:  0800 809 909 (Monday to Friday 10:00am to 3:00pm)

Email:   oia@privacy.org.nz

For more information about privacy issues in New Zealand and protecting your privacy, visit the Office of the Privacy Commissioner website https://www.privacy.org.nz/