Our policy contains exclusions relating to Pre-existing Medical Conditions. However if you have a pre-existing condition that you wish to cover and it is not on our allowed list, we can process a medical screening to see if we can provide cover and at what price and terms. Call us on 0800 082 647 or talk to us via online chat today.

A Pre-existing Medical Condition is any physical and/or mental defect, illness, disease, condition or injury

a.      that is currently being or has been investigated or treated by a Medical Practitioner or other health professional

 (including dentist/s and/or allied health practitioners):

i.        Within the 90 days prior to policy issue in the case of a Single Trip policy;

ii.      Within the 90 days prior to policy issue or 30 days prior to booking a Trip in the case of an Annual Multi Trip policy;

iii.     During the original Trip if You have requested an extension of cover; and/or

b.      of which You are aware or the symptoms of which You are aware at the time this policy is issued; and/or

c.      for which You take prescribed medication at the time this policy is issued; and/or

d.      for which You have had surgery or consulted a Medical Practitioner in the two years prior to the issue of this policy; and/or

e.      of an ongoing or recurring nature or complication attributable to the condition.

Certain Pre-existing Medical Conditions are automatically covered under this policy for the Insured Person only.


Our approach to Pre-existing Medical Conditions

Pre-existing Medical Conditions fall into different categories:

  1. Conditions which are automatically covered;
  2. Conditions which are not automatically covered; and
  3. Conditions which cannot be covered.

If You want to be covered for claims arising from or related to Your Pre-existing Medical Condition, there are some important things You need to do. 

You will first need to see if Your Pre-existing Medical Condition is automatically covered by the policy.  If it is not automatically covered by the policy, You will need to complete a medical screening at the time of buying Your policy.  At that time, We will tell You if We can cover Your Pre-existing Medical Condition and whether it requires You to pay more premium and/or if We wish to vary the standard policy terms (eg by applying a higher Excess to any claim arising from the condition). 

In some cases, We cannot offer cover for Your Pre-existing Medical Condition.  If this is the case, We will advise You before You decide whether to purchase the policy.

If Your Pre-existing Medical Condition(s) is not automatically covered by the policy and it is not declared to and accepted by Us at the time You buy the policy, We may not pay any claim arising from or related to that condition(s).  


Automatically Covered Pre-existing Medical Conditions

The policy automatically covers certain common Pre-existing Medical Conditions which are listed in this section.

Provided that You have not been hospitalised (including attendance at Emergency Department or day surgery) in the past 24 months or sought medical attention in the 90 days prior to issue of Your policy (or 30 days prior to travel in the event of an Annual Multi Trip policy), We will cover You for the Pre-existing Medical Conditions listed below.

  • Acne
  • Asthma provided You are under 60 years of age, have no other known or underlying respiratory conditions (including Chronic Bronchitis, Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD), Emphysema or Pulmonary Fibrosis and/or sleep apnoea), haven’t required cortisone medication except taken by inhaler or puffer, haven’t required hospital treatment for asthma in the last two years and You have been a non-smoker for at least 18 months.
  • Blindness and low vision
  • Cataracts
  • Corneal graft/corneal transplant
  • Coeliac Disease
  • Deafness
  • Dermatitis
  • Ear grommets
  • Eczema
  • Food allergy (provided You do not suffer Anaphylaxis following consumption of or exposure to the allergen)
  • Gastric reflux
  • Gout
  • Hay fever
  • Hiatus hernia
  • High Cholesterol/Hypercholesterolemia provided it is managed in regular consultation with Your Medical Practitioner and is below 6.0 millimoles per litre and You do not also suffer from high blood pressure, other known cardiovascular disease and/or diabetes. If You have high cholesterol and also high blood pressure, diabetes and/or any form of cardiovascular disease, You will need to complete medical screening if You want to include cover for these conditions.
  • High blood pressure/Hypertension provided it is managed in regular consultation with Your Medical Practitioner and You do not also suffer from high cholesterol, You do not take more than 2 medications and there has been no change in medication or dosage in the last 6 months and You have been a non-smoker for at least 18 months. If You have high blood pressure and also high cholesterol, diabetes and/or any form of cardiovascular disease, You will need to complete medical screening if You want to include cover for these conditions
  • Hip replacement (if the procedure was performed over 12 months ago but less than 10 years ago)
  • Knee replacement (if the procedure was performed over 12 months ago but less than 10 years ago)
  • Macular degeneration
  • Menopause provided You do not suffer from Osteoporosis
  • Overactive / underactive thyroid provided the condition is not caused by a tumour
  • Peptic ulcer
  • Psoriasis
  • Pregnancy (subject to General Exclusion 33)
  • Rhinitis
  • Sinusitis
  • Skin cancer (but not Melanoma)
  • Urticaria (Hives)


Please note:

We are only able to offer automatic cover for certain Pre-existing Medical Conditions suffered by You (i.e, the person(s) insured under the policy). There is no cover for any claim arising from or related to a Pre-existing Medical Condition suffered by any person other than the person(s) named on the Certificate of Insurance.

At no time is there any cover for any diagnosed or undiagnosed medical condition where:

  1. You are receiving treatment (other than regular and routine prescription medication, for a medical condition which We have agreed to provide cover for);
  2. You are awaiting investigation, referral, treatment or results.
  3. You are travelling against medical advice or to obtain medical treatment; and/or
  4. You have received a terminal prognosis.

If all of Your Pre-existing Medical Conditions are listed under the heading “Automatically Covered Pre-existing Medical Conditions” and You meet the eligibility criteria, you do not need to tell Us about them. Cover is automatically included.

If Your Pre-existing Medical Conditions are in the “Automatically Covered Medical Conditions” list but You do not satisfy the criteria for automatic cover, you will need to apply for cover. For instance, we automatically cover hip replacement if the procedure was performed over 12 months ago but less than 10 years.  If You had a hip replacement three months ago, this does not satisfy the criteria for automatic cover, and You will need to complete medical screening if You want to be covered for a claim arising from or related to this Pre-existing Medical Condition.

If You have a Pre-existing Medical Condition that is in the “Automatically Covered Pre-existing Medical Conditions” list and another Pre-existing Medical Condition which is not listed, you must complete a medical screening at the time of purchasing the policy if You want Us to cover Your Pre-existing Medical Conditions. When You complete the medical screening, you must declare all of Your Pre-existing Medical Conditions (not just the conditions which are not in the “Automatically Covered Conditions” list). For instance, if You have high blood pressure which meets the criteria for automatic cover, but You have also had coronary stents inserted (which is not automatically covered), You will need to declare both high blood pressure and coronary stents when completing Your medical screening.

Following declaration of Your Pre-existing Medical Conditions, we will either agree to cover all of Your Pre-existing Medical Conditions or none of them. You will be advised of Our decision before You decide whether to purchase the policy.

Applying for Pre-existing Medical Condition cover

If You suffer from a Pre-existing Medical Condition that is not automatically covered by the policy and You wish to apply for cover, You will need to complete a medical assessment. You can complete the medical assessment via any of the following methods:

  • Contacting Us by telephone on +64 9 886 8484
  • By obtaining a travel insurance quotation online at goinsurance.co.nz; or
  • Contacting a Go Insurance distributor (e.g., travel agent or broker)
Pre-existing Medical Conditions for which no cover is offered

Some Pre-existing Medical Conditions are not covered under any circumstances. For instance, We are not able to offer cover in respect of any Pre-existing Medical Condition for which You have been given a terminal prognosis, where You are travelling to obtain medical treatment or travelling against medical advice. Also, We cannot offer cover for any Pre-existing Medical Condition when You are receiving or waiting on medical investigation, referral, treatment and/or results.

Not all applications for Pre-existing Medical Condition cover will be successful. This may be due to a combination of factors such as the nature of the condition, the duration of Your Trip and destination/s. For further information, please contact Us on +64 9 886 8484.

If You have a medical or dental condition that is not automatically covered and do not wish to apply for cover, You can still buy a policy. This is on the understanding that there is no cover for any loss You may sustain as a result of that Pre-existing Medical Condition or related condition.

If You develop a new medical condition, experience any new symptoms or a deterioration in Your Pre-existing Medical Condition(s) after You purchase Your policy but before You depart on Your Trip, it is essential that You either tell Us so We can reassess Your cover or acquire written confirmation from Your Medical Practitioner certifying that You are fit to travel and obtain written confirmation. Failure to do so may result in any claim arising from that condition(s) not being covered should You still choose to travel.  If a claim arises, You will be asked to provide a copy of the written confirmation from Your Medical Practitioner.

We retain the right to change Your policy in accordance with any change in risk. 


Please see the Policy Wording below for full terms and conditions.