• Do you offer medical screening for pre-existing conditions?
    • Yes. If you suffer from a condition which is not automatically covered under the policy, you can apply for cover by completing a medical screening. You can do this online at the time of obtaining a quotation.  Alternatively, you can call one of our team on 0800 082 647 or talk to us online via live chat. The medical screening involves a series of questions about your medical history so that we understand your condition.  Based on your answers, we will let you know if we can provide cover and at what price and terms.
  • I take prescription medication. Will the policy pay for repeat prescriptions while I am away?
    • No. The policy only responds to medical costs incurred if you sustain an accidental injury or illness overseas during the period of insurance. The policy does not respond to the cost of routine treatment or continued medication of a medical condition which existed or was being treated prior to departure.
  • If I have an accident overseas and need treatment when I get home, will the policy pay for these costs?
    • No. Travel insurance only covers the period of overseas travel and ceases when you return to your normal country of residence. There is no cover for medical expenses incurred in New Zealand under this policy due to relevant new legislation.
  • If I become sick overseas and need to be repatriated, where will I be repatriated to?
    • If you need to be repatriated and the policy is able to respond, you will be repatriated to your normal country of residence. If you are travelling on a one-way basis, you will be repatriated to your final destination country (nominated at the time of policy purchase).If you are travelling on a return basis, you will be repatriated to New Zealand. Whilst it will often be possible for treatment to be provided locally, transfer to another region or country may be considered as an alternative to repatriation. Each claim is assessed on a case-by-case basis in consultation with our medical advisers and the treating medical practitioners to ensure that you receive whatever treatment is medically necessary in the circumstances.
  • What is a pre-existing medical condition?
    • A pre-existing medical condition is defined in the policy as any physical and/or mental defect, illness, disease, condition or injury
      1. that is currently being or has been investigated or treated by a Medical Practitioner or other health professional(including dentist/s and/or allied health practitioners):
        -  Within the 90 days prior to policy issue in the case of a Single Trip policy;
        -  Within the 90 days prior to policy issue or 30 days prior to booking a Trip in the case of an Annual Multi Trip policy;
        -  During the original Period of Insurance if the policy is an extension or replacement of the original policy.
      2. of which You are aware or the symptoms of which You are aware;
      3. for which You take prescribed medication, have had surgery or consult a Medical Practitioner;
      4. of an ongoing or recurring nature or complication attributable to the condition.

      This definition applies to You, Your Travelling Companion, Relative/s and any person on whose state of health the Trip depends. Certain Pre-existing Medical Conditions are automatically covered under this policy. Go travel insurance policies do not cover any pre-existing medical conditions of non-travelling relatives, business partners or any other person on whose state of health your trip depends. For more information on Pre-existing Medical Conditions, click here. 

  • Can I claim for medical expenses incurred in New Zealand?
    • No, this policy is designed to cover overseas medical expenses only. This is because you are entitled to treatment under your existing public healthcare entitlement (Public Health Service) or private health insurance whilst in New Zealand.
  • What does “left unattended in a public place” mean?
    • If you leave your luggage or any personal effects in a public place where a member of the public can access and remove it from your possession without your knowledge, it may be determined that you have left your possessions unattended in a public place. This can include circumstances where you have left your luggage with someone you don’t know, left your possessions behind in a taxi or hotel room or placed your belongings in a place where you are unable to prevent them being taken. It is up to you to ensure you give your belongings adequate care and attention at all times.
  • Am I covered if I ride a motorbike overseas?
    • Yes, provided that the motorcycle is hired and has an engine capacity of 125cc or less and you (if you are the driver) hold a current motorcycle licence if required by the country you are in. If you are the passenger, the driver must be fully licensed to ride a motorcycle in the country you are in.  You must also wear a helmet whilst riding a motorcycle (whether you are the driver or passenger).It is advisable to check the licensing requirements for the country you intend to visit prior to departing. However, generally if you hold an appropriate licence to ride a motorbike at home you can ride a motorbike overseas (as long as you have a current international driver’s licence). Get a Quote
  • Are my personal effects covered for ‘new for old’ replacement?
    • Travel insurance policies differ from your general domestic contents insurance in this regard. Most travel insurance policies indemnify you to the same financial position you enjoyed immediately prior to the loss. Property claims are settled on this basis and take into account reasonable allowance for depreciation determined by Go Insurance according to the type, age and condition of the claimed item.
  • I am going on a business trip and I intend to take my company laptop with me. Is this covered?
    • The standard leisure policy does not cover business equipment. However, it is possible to insure business equipment by selecting the Business extension at the time of policy purchase.Click here for details on the Business extension.
  • I’m going to play sport while I’m overseas. Am I covered?
    • Participation on an amateur or recreational basis in most sports and leisure activities is automatically covered by Go Insurance. This includes participation in school, club or college fixtures and/or competitions. Unfortunately, there is no cover whatsoever for any sport or leisure activity (or training for) in which you participate in a professional or paid capacity. Not all sports and leisure activities are able to be covered by Go Insurance. For a full list of sports which are covered as standard, please click here.
  • How long do I have to notify a claim?
    • You must advise us of a potential claim as soon as practical within 30 days of your return to New Zealand, or policy end date whichever is the earlier. However, in the case of admission to hospital or a medical emergency please contact our emergency medical assistance team immediately. For more information visit our Claim Page.
  • What if I don’t have original receipts for claimed items?
    • If claiming for loss, theft or damage to any belongings or for the purchase of emergency necessities due to the delay of your luggage, we will ask you to provide original receipts to prove ownership. Whilst we understand you may not be able to provide receipts for each and every item, responsibility rests with the claimant to provide evidence where you could reasonably expect to have such evidence in your possession. Ask yourself, does the evidence I have provided conclusively prove that I owned this item? If not, we may not be able to pay your claim.
  • How long will it take to process my claim?
    • This is subject to how quickly you are able to supply us with all the required documentation and evidence. In accordance with the The Fair Insurance Code, your claim will be processed within ten (10) business days of us receiving all necessary information and documentation. For more information visit our Claim Page.
  • How is my claim paid?
    • All claim settlements are paid by direct deposit into your nominated bank account. Where claims involve foreign currency, the amounts are converted to New Zealand Dollars at the date of loss / expense.
  • Do I pay my overseas medical costs upfront?
    • Some medical costs like a simple trip to the doctor can be paid by you upfront. However, if you are admitted to hospital or likely to incur medical bills in excess of NZ$2000 it is vital that you contact our emergency medical assistance team. They are able to liaise with medical facilities and authorise / guarantee payment for costs that you would not be expected to afford upfront.
  • Who is Lloyd’s?
    • Lloyd’s is the world’s specialist insurance and reinsurance market, bringing together an outstanding concentration of underwriting expertise and talent. It is often the first to insure emerging, unusual and complex risks. Around 80 syndicates are underwriting insurance at Lloyd’s, covering all classes of business. Together they interact with thousands of brokers daily to create insurance solutions for businesses in over 200 countries and territories around the world. Lloyd’s insures the majority of FTSE 100 and Dow Jones industrial average companies. Lloyd’s enjoys strong financial security supported by excellent ratings. Visit www.lloyd’s.com for more information.
  • Who underwrites Go Insurance?
    • All Go Insurance policies are underwritten by Certain Underwriters at Lloyd’s.
  • Are my credit card details safe?
    • Go Insurance takes your credit card security very seriously. All online sales use industry standard 128 bit SSL (Secure Socket Layers) to encrypt data transferred between your browser and our server. Regarded as bank level encryption, 128 bit is the strongest level of encryption supported by standard web browsers such as Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox and Apple Safari. Customer credit card details are processed by eWay together with the ANZ bank and are never stored on our server under any circumstances.
  • What is the Duty of Disclosure?
    • The Duty of Disclosure is your obligation to be honest and tell us anything known to you and which a reasonable person in the circumstances would include in answer to the questions we ask. For more information on your obligations click here.
  • Who can buy this policy?
    • Go insurance policies are available for sale to permanent New Zealand residents or persons who have been resident in New Zealand for at least three (3) months prior to policy purchase. You may be required to demonstrate your residency status in the event of a claim. For full details on eligibility criteria, please refer to the “Who can buy this Insurance” section of the Policy Wording.
  • When does my policy start?
    • Provided you have not deleted the Cancellation cover module at the time of purchasing the policy, cover for cancellation (Section 1) starts immediately after you complete the purchase transaction and we issue a Certificate of Insurance to you. If you have a Go Plus or Go Elite policy and have retained the Disruption cover module at the time of purchasing the policy, cover for Insolvency of Travel Service Providers (Section 13) also commences immediately after you complete the purchase transaction and we issue a Certificate of Insurance to you. Cover under all other policy sections you have selected commences when you leave your home or business to commence the trip on the day you specify at the time of purchasing your policy.
  • How do I know which region of travel to select?
    • It is important you select the correct region of travel when you purchase your policy. Due to different risks and costs historically associated with claims arising from the different travel regions, they attract different premiums. If your trip will involve multiple countries or areas, you should select the region of travel for the destination which requires the highest level of cover. If you discover you have selected the incorrect travel region, please contact us immediately as you may not be covered in the event of a claim. For a full list of countries and their respective regions of travel please click here.
  • Can I extend my policy?
    • Yes, in most cases you can extend your policy by notifying Go Insurance of your revised travel dates. If accepted, you may be required to pay additional premium and we will issue a policy endorsement reflecting the change. Please note the maximum duration of any one policy is 365 days and we generally only allow one policy extension after your trip has started. Please contact us to arrange an extension or complete the Request a Policy Extension form.
  • What can I do if you can’t offer me cover?
    • There are some circumstances where Go Insurance may unfortunately not be able to offer you cover. This could be due to a wide range of things such as a pre-existing medical condition, your residency status or age. In the event we have advised that we are unable to assist you with travel insurance we recommend you visit the Find an insurer website. This free service provided by the Insurance Council of New Zealand is designed to help you find appropriate insurance specific to your needs.
  • I’m already overseas. Can I purchase Go travel insurance?
    • This depends on whether you meet residency requirements under the policy. This must mean that you have been resident in New Zealand within the three (3) months prior to purchasing the policy and/or you have maintained domiciled status in New Zealand. This means you have retained a property or home in New Zealand, have paid taxes or council rates and have not permanently migrated to another country. For full details of the eligibility criteria, please refer to the “Who can buy this Insurance” section of the Policy Wording.
  • Can I purchase a policy if I hold a one-way ticket?
    • Yes, you can purchase Go travel insurance if you only hold a one-way ticket. You will be asked to nominate your final destination at the time of purchase. Cover under all policy sections will cease 24 hours after you first leave immigration control of your nominated final destination.
  • I am aged over 75, can I purchase Go travel insurance?
    • Unfortunately, Go travel insurance is only available to New Zealand residents aged 75 years and under at the time of travel.
  • Can I get a refund if I return home early?
    • Go Insurance offers a 14 day money back guarantee if you decide the policy is not right for you. No refund will be provided if you cancel your policy outside this period. However, we may provide a partial refund in the event you amend your policy prior to your departure.
  • What is an excess?
    • This is your financial contribution to the claim. Go Insurance policies have a standard $200 per person excess applicable to most policy sections. However you do have the option to increase or reduce your excess. This will alter your premium with a higher excess resulting in a premium discount. Conversely if you elect to reduce your excess, this will result in an increase to the premium you pay. Your selected excess will be noted on your Certificate of Insurance. Generally, the excess will be deducted from your claim. However, in respect of some medical claims we may ask you to pay this amount to the hospital or medical services provider.For more information regarding the policy excess, please refer to the Policy Wording.
  • Why is Go Insurance so cheap?
    • Go Insurance is unique as it allows you to create a more tailored cover. Go Insurance allows you to remove cover modules or add extensions to suit both your needs and budget. This means you can avoid costs associated with unwanted cover. Go Insurance also allows you the option to select a higher excess to secure a premium discount. For more information please refer to the Policy Wording

  • How long do I have to notify a claim?
    • You must advise us of a potential claim as soon as practical within 30 days of your return to New Zealand, or policy end date whichever is the earlier. However, in the case of admission to hospital or a medical emergency please contact our emergency medical assistance team immediately. For more information visit our Claim Page.
  • What if I don’t have original receipts for claimed items?
    • If claiming for loss, theft or damage to any belongings or for the purchase of emergency necessities due to the delay of your luggage, we will ask you to provide original receipts to prove ownership. Whilst we understand you may not be able to provide receipts for each and every item, responsibility rests with the claimant to provide evidence where you could reasonably expect to have such evidence in your possession. Ask yourself, does the evidence I have provided conclusively prove that I owned this item? If not, we may not be able to pay your claim.
  • How long will it take to process my claim?
    • This is subject to how quickly you are able to supply us with all the required documentation and evidence. In accordance with The Fair Insurance Code, your claim will be processed within ten (10) business days of us receiving all necessary information and documentation. For more information visit our Claim Page.
  • How is my claim paid?
    • All claim settlements are paid by a direct deposit into your nominated bank account. Where claims involve foreign currency, the amounts are converted to New Zealand Dollars at the date of loss / expense.
  • Do I pay my overseas medical costs upfront?
    • Some medical costs like a simple trip to the doctor can be paid by you upfront. However if you are admitted to hospital or likely to incur medical bills in excess of NZ$2000 it is vital that you contact our emergency medical assistance team. They are able to liaise with medical facilities and authorise / guarantee payment for costs that you would not be expected to afford upfront.

  • Who is Lloyd’s?
    • Lloyd’s is the world’s specialist insurance and reinsurance market, bringing together an outstanding concentration of underwriting expertise and talent. It is often the first to insure emerging, unusual and complex risks. Around 80 syndicates are underwriting insurance at Lloyd’s, covering all classes of business. Together they interact with thousands of brokers daily to create insurance solutions for businesses in over 200 countries and territories around the world. Lloyd’s insures the majority of FTSE 100 and Dow Jones industrial average companies. Lloyd’s enjoys strong financial security supported by excellent ratings. Visit www.lloyd’s.com for more information.
  • Who underwrites Go Insurance?
    • All Go Insurance policies are underwritten by Certain Underwriters at Lloyd’s.
  • Are my credit card details safe?
    • Go Insurance takes your credit card security very seriously. All online sales use industry standard 128 bit SSL (Secure Socket Layers) to encrypt data transferred between your browser and our server. Regarded as bank level encryption, 128 bit is the strongest level of encryption supported by standard web browsers such as Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox and Apple Safari. Customer credit card details are processed by eWay together with the St George bank and are never stored on our server under any circumstances.
  • What is the Duty of Disclosure?
    • The Duty of Disclosure is your obligation to be honest and tell us anything known to you and which a reasonable person in the circumstances would include in answer to the questions we ask. For more information on your obligations click here.
  • Who can buy this policy?
    • Go insurance policies are available for sale to permanent New Zealand residents or persons who have been resident in New Zealand for at least three (3) months prior to policy purchase. You may be required to demonstrate your residency status in the event of a claim. For full details on eligibility criteria, please refer to the “Who can buy this Insurance” section of the Policy Wording.
  • When does my policy start?
    • Provided you have not deleted the Cancellation cover module at the time of purchasing the policy, cover for cancellation (Section 1) starts immediately after you complete the purchase transaction and we issue a Certificate of Insurance to you. If you have a Go Plus or Go Elite policy and have retained the Disruption cover module at the time of purchasing the policy, cover for Insolvency of Travel Service Providers (Section 13) also commences immediately after you complete the purchase transaction and we issue a Certificate of Insurance to you. Cover under all other policy sections you have selected commences when you leave your home or business to commence the trip on the day you specify at the time of purchasing your policy.
  • How do I know which region of travel to select?
    • It is important you select the correct region of travel when you purchase your policy. Due to different risks and costs historically associated with claims arising from the different travel regions, they attract different premiums. If your trip will involve multiple countries or areas, you should select the region of travel for the destination which requires the highest level of cover. If you discover you have selected the incorrect travel region, please contact us immediately as you may not be covered in the event of a claim. For a full list of countries and their respective regions of travel please click here.
  • Can I extend my policy?
    • Yes, in most cases you can extend your policy by notifying Go Insurance of your revised travel dates. If accepted, you may be required to pay additional premium and we will issue a policy endorsement reflecting the change. Please note the maximum duration of any one policy is 365 days and we generally only allow one policy extension after your trip has started. Please contact us to arrange an extension or complete the Request a Policy Extension form.
  • What can I do if you can’t offer me cover?
    • There are some circumstances where Go Insurance may unfortunately not be able to offer you cover. This could be due to a wide range of things such as a pre-existing medical condition, your residency status or age. In the event we have advised that we are unable to assist you with travel insurance we recommend you visit the Find an Insurer website. This free service provided by the Insurance Council of New Zealand is designed to help you find appropriate insurance specific to your needs.
  • I’m already overseas. Can I purchase Go travel insurance?
    • This depends on whether you meet residency requirements under the policy. This must mean that you have been resident in New Zealand within the three (3) months prior to purchasing the policy and/or you have maintained domiciled status in New Zealand. This means you have retained a property or home in New Zealand, have paid taxes or council rates and have not permanently migrated to another country. For full details of the eligibility criteria, please refer to the “Who can buy this Insurance” section of the Policy Wording.
  • Can I purchase a policy if I hold a one-way ticket?
    • Yes, you can purchase Go travel insurance if you only hold a one-way ticket. You will be asked to nominate your final destination at the time of purchase. Cover under all policy sections will cease 24 hours after you first leave immigration control of your nominated final destination.
  • I am aged over 75, can I purchase Go travel insurance?
    • Unfortunately, Go travel insurance is only available to New Zealand residents aged 75 years and under at the time of travel.
  • Can I get a refund if I return home early?
    • Go Insurance offers a 14 day money back guarantee if you decide the policy is not right for you. No refund will be provided if you cancel your policy outside this period. However, we may provide a partial refund in the event you amend your policy prior to your departure.
  • Why is Go Insurance so cheap?
    • Go Insurance is unique as it allows you to create a more tailored cover. Go Insurance allows you to remove cover modules or add extensions to suit both your needs and budget. This means you can avoid costs associated with unwanted cover. Go Insurance also allows you the option to select a higher excess to secure a premium discount. For more information please refer to Policy Wording

  • Do you offer medical screening for pre-existing conditions?
    • Yes. If you suffer from a condition which is not automatically covered under the policy, you can apply for cover by completing a medical screening. You can do this online at the time of obtaining a quotation.  Alternatively, you can call one of our team on 0800 082 647 or talk to us online via live chat. The medical screening involves a series of questions about your medical history so that we understand your condition.  Based on your answers, we will let you know if we can provide cover and at what price and terms.
  • I take prescription medication. Will the policy pay for repeat prescriptions while I am away?
    • No. The policy only responds to medical costs incurred if you sustain an accidental injury or illness overseas during the period of insurance. The policy does not respond to the cost of routine treatment or continued medication of a medical condition which existed or was being treated prior to departure.
  • If I have an accident overseas and need treatment when I get home, will the policy pay for these costs?
    • No. Travel insurance only covers the period of overseas travel and ceases when you return to your normal country of residence. There is no cover for medical expenses incurred in New Zealand under this policy due to relevant New Zealand legislation.
  • If I become sick overseas and need to be repatriated, where will I be repatriated to?
    • If you need to be repatriated and the policy is able to respond, you will be repatriated to your normal country of residence. If you are travelling on a one-way basis, you will be repatriated to your final destination country (nominated at the time of policy purchase).If you are travelling on a return basis, you will be repatriated to New Zealand. Whilst it will often be possible for treatment to be provided locally, transfer to another region or country may be considered as an alternative to repatriation. Each claim is assessed on a case-by-case basis in consultation with our medical advisers and the treating medical practitioners to ensure that you receive whatever treatment is medically necessary in the circumstances.
  • What is a pre-existing medical condition?
    • A pre-existing medical condition is defined in the policy as any physical and/or mental defect, illness, disease, condition or injury
      1. that is currently being or has been investigated or treated by a Medical Practitioner or other health professional(including dentist/s and/or allied health practitioners):
        • Within the 90 days prior to policy issue in the case of a Single Trip policy;
        • Within the 90 days prior to policy issue or 30 days prior to booking a Trip in the case of an Annual Multi Trip policy;
        • During the original Period of Insurance if the policy is an extension or replacement of the original policy.
      2. of which You are aware or the symptoms of which You are aware;
      3. for which You take prescribed medication, have had surgery or consult a Medical Practitioner;
      4. of an ongoing or recurring nature or complication attributable to the condition.

      This definition applies to You, Your Travelling Companion, Relative/s and any person on whose state of health the Trip depends. Certain Pre-existing Medical Conditions are automatically covered under this policy. Go travel insurance policies do not cover any pre-existing medical conditions of non-travelling relatives, business partners or any other person on whose state of health your trip depends. For more information on Pre-existing Medical Conditions, click here.

  • Can I claim for medical expenses incurred in New Zealand?
    • No, this policy is designed to cover overseas medical expenses only. This is because you are entitled to treatment under your existing public healthcare entitlement (Public Health Service) or private health insurance whilst in New Zealand.

  • What does “left unattended in a public place” mean?
    • If you leave your luggage or any personal effects in a public place where a member of the public can access and remove it from your possession without your knowledge, it may be determined that you have left your possessions unattended in a public place. This can include circumstances where you have left your luggage with someone you don’t know, left your possessions behind in a taxi or hotel room or placed your belongings in a place where you are unable to prevent them being taken. It is up to you to ensure you give your belongings adequate care and attention at all times.
  • Am I covered if I ride a motorbike overseas?
    • Yes, provided that the motorcycle is hired and has an engine capacity of 125cc or less and you (if you are the driver) hold a current motorcycle licence if required by the country you are in. If you are the passenger, the driver must be fully licensed to ride a motorcycle in the country you are in.  You must also wear a helmet whilst riding a motorcycle (whether you are the driver or passenger).It is advisable to check the licensing requirements for the country you intend to visit prior to departing. However, generally if you hold an appropriate licence to ride a motorbike at home you can ride a motorbike overseas (as long as you have a current international driver’s licence). Get a Quote
  • Are my personal effects covered for ‘new for old’ replacement?
    • Travel insurance policies differ from your general domestic contents insurance in this regard. Most travel insurance policies indemnify you to the same financial position you enjoyed immediately prior to the loss. Property claims are settled on this basis and take into account reasonable allowance for depreciation determined by Go Insurance according to the type, age and condition of the claimed item.
  • I am going on a business trip and I intend to take my company laptop with me. Is this covered?
    • The standard leisure policy does not cover business equipment. However, it is possible to insure business equipment by selecting the Business extension at the time of policy purchase. Click here for details on the Business extension.
  • I’m going to play sport while I’m overseas. Am I covered?
    • Participation on an amateur or recreational basis in most sports and leisure activities is automatically covered by Go Insurance. This includes participation in school, club or college fixtures and/or competitions. Unfortunately, there is no cover whatsoever for any sport or leisure activity (or training for) in which you participate in a professional or paid capacity. Not all sports and leisure activities are able to be covered by Go Insurance. For a full list of sports which are covered as standard, please click here.