Something to smile about

Standard travel insurance covers the cost of emergency overseas medical treatment but excludes treatment which is elective or cosmetic.

Many New Zealanders are now travelling overseas for elective dental treatment.  Sourcing travel insurance which includes cover for complications arising from elective dental procedures has been next to impossible … until now.

As the first New Zealand travel insurance provider to offer cover of this nature, Go Insurance is proud to be pioneering the way for an emerging group of holiday travelers offering them unrivaled protection while away from home.

Our Dental Tourism extension is available as an additional cover under our flexible travel insurance policy.  It’s another way we are helping travelling New Zealanders obtain the cover which suits their itinerary and budget.


Click here to review the additional cover we offer under Dental Tourism.

Want a quote?

Click here for our application form or give us a call on 0800 082 647 with the details of your trip and full dental plan and we will draw up a quote for you.

Got Questions?

Give us a call on 0800 082 647 or email us at

So what’s covered under our Dental Tourism extension?

Trip Cancellation

In addition to the cancellation cover provided under our standard travel insurance policy, we also offer cover in case your procedure can’t go ahead as planned and you need to cancel or reschedule.

Emergency Overseas Dental Treatment

Sometimes not everything goes according to plan.

What happens if you suffer complications and need emergency post-procedure treatment?  We’ve got you covered in the event you need emergency dental care whilst still overseas due to complications arising from your procedure.

Additional Transport and Accommodation

If you need to stay longer than the planned holiday due to complications, we’ll also cover you for additional transport and accommodation costs you incur until you are fit to return home.  We’ll also pay for your travelling companion to remain with you or for a relative to travel from New Zealand a to be with you while you recuperate provided their presence is medically necessary.

Return Travel and Accommodation for Remedial Dental Treatment

Unfortunately, some procedures are not successful and remedial treatment is required.  We also provide cover for the cost of you returning overseas to obtain remedial treatment.