Small Business, Big Cover

A working holiday, combining work and play – whatever way you describe it, travelling for business and pleasure is a common way to travel. So many of us have to travel for work and it makes sense to have a few days out for R&R while away.

If you’re a freelance writer, photographer or small business owner of any description, chances are your laptop, camera or mobile phone was purchased in your business or company name. It makes sense from a taxation perspective but did you know that business equipment is generally excluded from most leisure travel insurance policies?

Business travel insurance is not just for the “top end of town”. If you are a sole trader, small to medium business operator or don’t have an ABN, our Business extension is ideal for you.

The Business extension is an optional extra designed for travellers who take business assets away whilst travelling for work, pleasure or maybe a bit of work and play.

Our standard policy provides cover for property owned by the traveller in their own name, and this is where the Business travel insurance extension is a great additional extra providing cover for loss, theft or damage to property owned by your business.

We’ll also reimburse you for the cost of emergency hire of lost, stolen or damaged business equipment and costs incurred to re-create documents which have been lost and are essential to the working element of your itinerary. In addition to offering cover for business money, we’ll also help with the cost of sending a replacement employee if you are travelling for business and can’t commence or complete the trip.


Click on the link below to review the Policy Wording for full terms and conditions applicable to our Business extension.



So what’s covered under our Business extension?

Business Equipment

You’re covered for the accidental loss, theft of or damage to your business equipment. We’ll also reimburse you for emergency hire of business equipment which is essential to your intended business itinerary following loss, theft or damage to your own equipment.

Re-creation of Documents

Cover for the cost to re-create or replace your business documents that are essential to your business itinerary following loss, theft or damage.

Business Money

You are covered up to the amount shown in the Schedule of Benefits for theft of business money whilst being carried on your person or in a locked safety deposit box, locked safe or similar locked and fixed receptacle.

Replacement Employee

If you’re travelling for business and due to injury, illness or death you can’t commence or complete the trip, we’ve got you covered for additional travel and accommodation expenses for a substitute to travel in your place.

Got Questions?

Give us a call on 0800 082 647 or email us at