This is a guide to helping customers experiencing vulnerability.

Who is a vulnerable person?

A vulnerable person is someone who, because of personal circumstances or the actions of others, is susceptible to harm, loss or disadvantage. Vulnerability can be temporary or ongoing and it can be gradual or sudden. Anyone can become vulnerable at any point in time.

There are different types of vulnerability.  For instance:

  • Financial and literacy
  • Mental and physical health
  • Cultural background
  • Geographic location (including remote communities)
  • Special circumstances such as recent job loss, divorce or bereavement
  • Family and domestic violence.

 Assisting our Customers

We know our customers may find themselves in circumstances, at different times in their lives, where they need extra support. Some customers might tell us directly they are experiencing vulnerability, or someone else like a relative, friend or supplier might let us know. A customer’s language, behaviour or circumstances can also help us recognise that they need help.

What to do if you’re experiencing difficulty

If you’re a Go Insurance customer in need of extra care, we have a number of support measures and resources available to support you.

COVID-19 support

We know many of our customers are facing increased financial stress as a result of the situation with COVID-19. If you’re experiencing hardship as a result of COVID-19, please call us on +64 9 886 8484 or email us at

Family and domestic violence support

Family and domestic violence is a complex issue that Go Insurance takes seriously. If you’re experiencing family and domestic violence, please read our Family Violence Policy.

If you’re a joint policy holder

If you hold a joint policy, meaning someone else is named on your policy as well as you, we will:

  • Consider the potential risks to your personal safety and act according to our obligations relating to joint policy holders
  • Where needed to protect your safety we can help you set up a new policy, and
  • Offer a sensitive claims handling process that provides you confidentiality and safety.

Claims support

If you need help with an existing claim, please contact your Claims Officer directly. If you need to make a claim, please contact us on +64 9 886 8484 or email us at

Financial hardship support

We appreciate there are times when personal circumstances can make it difficult to meet all your financial commitments. If you’re struggling to make an excess payment or repay a debt to Go Insurance, please contact your Claims Officer directly or visit our Financial Hardship page.

Interpreter services

Go Insurance offers customers access to interpreter services in over 160 languages and dialects from native and accredited language practitioners.

If you have an existing claim or complaint and need access to an interpreter, please contact your Claims Officer or Dispute Resolution Officer directly.

Professional support

There are also a number of free external support services available if you’re facing challenging personal circumstances and need help. The following services are available to all New Zealanders. However, in an emergency, or if you’re not feeling safe, always call 111.

Financial advice services

Moneytalks Free Helpline

Free financial helpline for advice and support.

Phone:        0800 345 123 (Monday to Friday 8am to 8pm & Saturday 10am to 2pm)

Website:  (including live chat function)

Literacy Services

Translating and Interpreting Services 

TIS National is a 24/07 interpreting service for people who do not speak English and for agencies and businesses that need to communicate with their non-English speaking clients.

Phone:     0800 854 737 (if you are overseas call +64 9 871 0401)


NZ Relay Service

A national relay service for New Zealand deaf, hearing impaired and speech impaired communities. Local and national calls are free. Available 24/7.

Voice:        0800 471 5715

TTY:          0800 471 3713

Seniors (Over 65s) 

Age Concern New Zealand is a charity dedicated to promoting dignity, wellbeing, equity and respect and provide expert information and support services in response to older people's needs.

Phone:      0800 652 105


Domestic Violence and Mental Health services


Lifeline can provide all New Zealanders free, anonymous and confidential support. They deal with many kinds of issues including psychological and emotional distress, financial and work issues, marriage and family problems and with callers who are lonely, ill, depressed or the victims of violence or abuse. Whatever the issue, it can help to talk or text with Lifeline.

Phone:      0800 543 354 (24-hour)


Women's Refuge

Women's Refuge's mission is for all women in Aotearoa to live free from domestic violence and family violence.

Phone:      0800 REFUGE or 0800 733 843 (24 hours)



24-hour phone and online support and information service for New Zealand men. Supports men and boys who are dealing with family and relationship difficulties.

Phone:      06 358 1211 or text 027 358 1212 for a call back


Good Shepherd New Zealand

Good Shepherd NZ is a charitable non-government organisation that supports women, girls and families facing contemporary issues.

Phone:      0800 466 370


Special Circumstances Services

Grief Line

Support for people experiencing grief, loss and trauma.

Phone:     0800 331 333


Relationships New Zealand

Relationship support services for individuals and families, including counselling, family dispute resolution and education support programs.

Phone:     0800 735 283
